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Stahlton Bauteile AG und zirkulit AG join forces in strategic partnership

Stahlton Bauteile AG
Hauptstrasse 131
5070 Frick

Enrico Marchesi (Innovation Manager, NEST), Reto Märki (Managing Director, zirkulit AG), Samuel Suter (CTO and Member of the Executive Board, Stahlton Bauteile AG) and Patrick Eberhard (Member of the Executive Board and Head of Hightech Concrete, Eberhard Unternehmungen) are looking forward to the future (from left to right). Image: Stahlton Bauteile AG/zirkulit AG


The partnership between Stahlton Bauteile and Zirkulit contributes to turning the vision of a recyclable concrete house into reality. In the EMPA NEST STEP2 unit, the partners use an innovative ribbed filigree slab featuring post-tensioning and optimized 3D geometry with the support of digital tools to create considerably lighter structures requiring less concrete and significantly saving on CO2. For the remaining required concrete, a formulation minimizing cement and maximising use of secondary materials has been developed further reducing the environmental impact.


Please see the video from EMPA website:

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