Search result for: ITI Group
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Tectus Group & associated companies is a family-owned multi-national conglomerate. It holds diverse investments and operations in 6 areas: construction and engineering, devices and solutions, real estate, advisory, media and entertainment, lifestyle.
Tectus Group & associated companies is a family-owned multi-national conglomerate. It holds diverse investments and operations in 6 areas: construction and engineering, devices and solutions, real estate, advisory, media and entertainment, lifestyle.
Tectus Group & associated companies is a family-owned multi-national conglomerate. It holds diverse investments and operations in 6 areas: construction and engineering, devices and solutions, real estate, advisory, media and entertainment, lifestyle.
ITI Group was established in 1984 as one of the first private companies in Poland, it was the first legal home video distributor and the producer of television commercials. In October, 1997 it launched its first television channel, TVN , which today is Poland's most valued television brand and the leading commercial free-to-air channel. ITI Group conducts its operations through TVN Group and Legia Warszawa.